Through Myra's Eyes

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Finger's crossed..Save the Board

I am on a mission to get Special K's surf board fixed!!
Last month on April 30 I wrote how hot it was here and took a pic of Baby girl with Special K surf board in our living room.  This board needs some help and some repair.  It's really parked up against the refrig, but its like being in the living
I know this month I am suppose to do for me but to see him back on a wave with this board would really make me happy.  I have been saving the bottles & cans from work and I think I have enough cash to get it fixed. Then we could ride to the beach on my birthday and I can watch him surf!! Love that summer birthday.
I found on line Lance Collins who I hope made this board, the shop is in Costa Mesa, CA..maybe off the 405 or not to far from me.  
SO brave me called and got a answering machine and told my story.
I want to surprise my son by getting this board fixed, and left my number.
You know me it took gut's to make this call.  He probably thinks I'm some little kid, cuz when I'm nervous you know I get that to young high pitch voice going on, that makes me sound like I'm working on half of a brain.
I'm so excited..I can't wait to hear from him.
Special K got this board a few years ago from a friend who needed some help moving and saw the board and said "hey, you can't get rid if that", I think his friend was just in a hard way and needed to get rid of things. He also got his pocket bikes and well, I'm not fixing those..they will have to sit. Mom has to draw a line.
I think what I want too is to see how old this board is. Boards mean so much to those who surf, when he rode it at Huntington Beach when he first started surfing, guys would ask him where he got it and if he wanted to sale it. Not for sale, I can hear him saying that.

Finger's crossed...on a mission to save the board.

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