Through Myra's Eyes

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Could I write a story about this?

I wrote about finding this wonderful ladies blog a few days ago.  Her name is Priceless Joy and her blog is Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers on word press.
She puts up these amazing pictures that her friends send her and then "you" the writer gets started. It's 150 words of fun.
I can't say I'm a writer but, it is fun to read what her friends have written, and the comments are like a English class.

Let's get started.
Look at this picture, what do you see??
Look closer. Do you see the boots??
I did not see those boots right in front of me. I read someones story and she had written about a ladies husband who left her with these worn out boots.

Before I read other peoples stories, I started on one.  Its about returning every year, young love, warning signs, and his ashes. Then I looked at it and thought, maybe its not really me. So I trashed before one of my kids finds it and thinks its a real story of my life. Then those boots took it to a whole other
I love the picture.  We could make a great story behind it.
If this caught your eye like it did mine, I hope you find the time to write a story.

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