Through Myra's Eyes

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Her first year of "College"

My beautiful baby girl who I have named Princess P is starting college next week, along with turning 19 years old on Aug. 26.
Where has the time gone?
I remember bring her home & wondering how was I going to make her feel, not like the baby of the family but, a sister. She was loved the minute they all got to hold her. She learned what Saturday morning cartoons where, bath time in the kitchen sink, stickers from a coloring book, being rocked by small arms.Now college books.
What have I been doing for the past 19 years?  
We all have many memories from these years but now I can't believe shes going to college.
I received my first welcome to college notice by way of a parking ticket. Who knew that you must pay to park on the outside circle of this campus when classes aren't in session. Well, I know now by the amount of $37.
Together we went to a Workshop to understand the classes she must take to get into this program.  I also found out the complete cost for her to complete this course. My W-2 forms from last year have a few to many good numbers to receive help..who knew its possible to work to much.
I hope she finds this is what she want to do, because I am going to work all those extra hours so she can do this.
Good Luck Princess P, you can do it! It won't take faith or luck just some long hours of studying! Here's the books and the chair that will be the start of your next journey in life. I love you & I want you to do more in life then I have, you so deserve it!

Ok so we had a little cry here but so worth it.
Have a great Saturday, thanks for stopping by. 
I'm working on a story called "I see absolutely everything" with 150 words as a challenge. If you want to join me that is your first line and don't use more then 175 words or less then 125, good luck.

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